Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Name That Slimed An Industry

There really was not a fair debate regarding the healthiness and safety of the "pink slime" produced by Beef Products, Inc. It would appear that the negative attention the product received stemmed from an irrational fear caused simply by what is in a name. Perhaps, if USDA meat inspector Gerald Zirnstein had named it something more pleasant, it would have went completely under the radar. Before putting the product immediately on death row, studies and tests should have been performed on it to see just how safe, or unsafe it really is. If it was unsafe, why would the USDA even allow it to be sold and used?

If I was the public relations manager for Beef Products, Inc., I would not have let the name given by the USDA stand for as long as it did. Ten years ago when it first started being called "pink slime," I would have done everything in my power to change that name, receive the support of the USDA, and prove the worthiness of it to be sold and used in food products. It seems that whatever they tried to do after the blogger launched the online petition, it was too-little, too late and this all could have been avoided if pro-action had been taken a decade prior.

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