Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Playing "Chicken" with Gay Marriage

Yes, it is true that free speech is something we all get to enjoy in America, and rightly so. With that said, we still have to watch what we say for the fear of offending others and then consequently getting some kind of reaction to that. I think that it is fine that Dan is against the gay community, but he had to be smart enough to realize that the gay community use to eat his food, right? For example, he would not have said that he was racist or that he was against the African-American community, because he knows that there would be immediate losses at stake. He should have put more thought into what he tried to accomplish by making his views known.

If was working for Dan, I would have told him that while it is okay for him to have an opinion, he shouldn't make it known because there are a lot of people that will disagree with him, and who will choose not to patronize his company.

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