Monday, October 19, 2015

I Hate You, I'm Leaving, Where's My Check

I would characterize Greg Smith's ethics of airing his grievances with his company as... drastic. I completely understand having frustrations with the place you work, and wanting to go public with it, especially if there is a lot of wrong doing involved. I have been in those shoes many times. With that said, there is a reason I have never done that. For the sake of not looking crazy, or bitter, I don't think that Smith should have published such a letter.

I believe that Goldman Sachs did as best of a job they could have given their situation by publishing the memo asking employees to stay polite. It was also good that they said they would make a good faith effort to improve the quality of the work environment.

The best advice that I can give Goldman Sachs is create a more open environment for it's employees. Give everyone an avenue to speak their peace inside the business, before they go crazy and tell the rest of the world about it. They better the treat their employees, the better they will behave.

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